Monday, December 11, 2006

what up?

What's up? I'm mel of NYC. I don't really have much to talk about. Well, maybe I do. Why? Because I feel like it. That's why. I have to say that reading a fellow members posts have encouraged me to start writing my own blog as of today just to say some things that have been on my heart for a bit.

Have you heard of A Humble life of a dread a.k.a. rastai blog spot? That guy is just too cool. I like to read some of his posts because sometimes he's right on the money with his thoughts about life, being a "dread". Just about being who he is. OK. So what? I'm a fan. Coolness that is genuine is just that. Genuine feelings are so scarce these days.

I have to get off of the topic for a minute. Or maybe not. I was just reading a post that the aforementioned fellow put up on December 8. He was talking about people who wear dreads for all different types of reasons. He made some good points about why people claim to keep their dreads neat for work of whatever.

It has never been about style for me. I agree with him in saying that I don't want to be associated with some or a certain form of element who wears "dread" for style either. i.e. Little Wayne the rapper. He might just be wearing his "dreads" for style. That's ok for Lil Wayne the rapper, but listen to what he raps about and understand why I don't wear my hair like this because "lil wayne has his hair like this", hell no!!

It's more of an africentric thing for me. I just work with what the creator gave me. I'm just appreciating creation's naturalness, ya' feel me?

I would get more in depth with this but not today. Why? Because I don't feel like it right now.

I'll be back.

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