Friday, July 29, 2016

Ancestors of the Middle Passage Celebration 2016 -- Never forget the Ancestors!!

Ancestors of the Middle Passage was fun this year. June 2016. My former Co-worker joined me and she really enjoyed herself.  Very cool person to hang out with and it was a cool day, although the sun was beaming.  That's what summer is supposed to be like.  Still missed my Momma though.  Her spirit was with me, no doubt about that.

First Half Marathon Evah!!!! Did it!!

It's been over two months ago, almost three!! May 21, 2016, I'll never forget. Such a fun day.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Call it whatever you want. I've been "running" for almost a year now and I actually like it.  My best friend "put me on to the running fever."  I still haven't caught "that runner's high," only because I still run/walk or "wog."  I still love it and I love the feeling of finishing a little three or four mile run.  I still feel like I'm dying when I do a 10k run, although as a beginner I did my first half marathon -- The Brookly Air BnB Half marathon!!  It took me 3:36:10, yeah that's slow as hell, but you know what?  I finished it and I have to t-shirt and medal to prove it.  I "wogged," ran, and still made it.  It was a great feeling to finish that.  Love me some Brooklyn!  Let's see how I do on my next half marathon in October.  Hope I feel that "runner's high" one of these days.  We'll see. 
This is last year at one of the third events I ever entered. NYRR Dash to the Finish 5K 2015.
This was fun!! I do it because I like it!!