Saturday, June 9, 2007

Meadger Evers College and the 18th annual Ancestors of the Middle passage tribute/memorial/celebration

I just happened to come across this affair last year when I went to Coney Island with my daughter as we do every summer. I made it a point to attend this year, so it definitely wasn't an accident! I think that it is a wonderful tribute to the African Ancestors who jumped off of slaves ships to avoid slavery when they were forced out of their homelands. There is African dancing at this ceremony with lots of drum playing, lots of people with loced hair, lots of Yoruba and Santeria worshippers appear to attend as well. It is a wonderful event. It is a very significant part of history for African Americans to pay tribute to our ancestors. It is sad that it has been only eighteen years that this have been going on. Fortunately, they children that attend the event with their parents will be the next generation to keep the event going. One Love.


1gem said...

What a beautiful day for this event. The weather was just perfect! Hope you and your daughter had a good time.

Sojourner said...

I didn't know anything like this was held, but it's a good reminder of my history.

Unknown said...

i wish my area would sponsor events like this one! i believe this tribute/memorial/celebration should be recognized. hope you and your daughter have a nice time!